Nuenen, Noord-Brabant

What I have done

Triggering people to think differently

Lighting, Supply Planner – 2013-2014
Project: Introducing the KPI dashboard aka get/have insight in what you do/your performance
In practice:
Create visual insight in tasks Supply Planner(s), follow up & improve via visual measurements on daily base. Increasing a delivery performance from between 80-90% up to a steady 96% overall > Satisfied customers.

Lighting, LEAN Deployment lead – 2014-2018
Project: Implementing LEAN in the office environment         
In practice:
Train, coach and support colleagues in applying LEAN. We implemented a structured Hoshin Kanri process, applied Daily Performance Management & correctly perfored Problem Solving (A3, 4C, OPL’s, etc.). Next to this we creating an optimal 5S environment.

Continuous Improvement Leader – 2018-2020
Project: Implementing LEAN within the organization, taking along the board of Management
In practice:
Train, coach and support colleagues in applying LEAN. We implemented a structured Hoshin Kanri process on Management level, started to apply Daily Performance Management on several departments & started to correctly perform Problem Solving (A3, 4C, OPL’s, etc.).

Continuous Improvement Leader – 2018-2020
Project: Continuous Improvement sharepoint aka one point of information/truth
In practice:
Creating a platform with all Continuous Improvement information where employees are able to find all information with regards to LEAN / Continuous Improvement, in one place. Less dependency wrt the (availability of the) Continuous Improvement Leader. Set up and maintenance of the sharepoint, providing standards and templates which are also included into the QMS.

Transformation Professional – 2020-2021
Project: Create foundation for LEAN deployment within MDM department
In practice:
Together with (partially new) MT, setup LEAN foundation and deploy. The MT embraced the LEAN mindset and acted upon it, is leading by example. All to support and improve the working climate to ultimately contribute to SCM/ASML business goals. A very nice sketch of the vision of MDM can be found here (blue spacy picture).

Transformation Professional – 2020-2021
Project: Tierstructure implementation T3/2/1
In practice:
Together with (coach/support & facilitate) MT implement optimized the tierstructure following the Daily Performance Management philosophy. It went from adhoc based meetings to a structured and connected meeting setup in which anyone knows what they’re responsible for & what to improve + where to prioritize

Transformation Professional – 2021-2023
Project: Optimize Daily Performance Management of OpEx team, aka: be the leading example
In practice:
Make sure OpEx does practice what it preaches. This meant improving the Daily Performance Management meeting within OpEx with very low maturity, to a new high & leading by example level. The example is shown to other departments for inspiration.

Transformation Professional – 2021-2023
Project: Create natural team wrt problem solving (operations & MT level)  
In practice:
Create mindset for Continuous Improvement by setting-up 2 natural teams within the organization, which have the responsibility to pay attention to solving issues on operational level and on management level. Both teams were sceptic at first but are now still running and operational. Main ’trick’ was making sure they communicated with each other.

Transformation Professional – 2021-2023
Project: Implement Daily Performance Management (2 sites) 
In practice:
Create insight, being able to prioritize and act consciously (from reactive to proactive). The roleout of a Daily Performance Management process within two (natural) teams, creating a structural insight in performance and the opportunity to make decisions & show status towards other tiers / levels within the organization (transparency). All with the intention to become more proactive and have ownership.