Nuenen, Noord-Brabant

What is Joep’s Why, How & What?

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What is Joep’s Why, How & What?


I’m an Idealist striving to trigger others in thinking differently, with more simplicity, so that they can experience more joy. 

Joep Engels

More and more people are complaining at work

“I’m so busy, I’m under a lot of pressure. It used to be different back in the days, I feel stressed out all the time.” Managers are often controlling and pushy instead of supporting and leading. Everything should be done yesterday. In the society we live in, work has increasingly become something we do because we need to, or because it is expected from us, and not because it is fun. But, it is a society we created ourselves. I experienced this sense of feeling unfulfilled, but I managed to turn it around… 

How can we find back the joy again?

Feeling joy in what we do, is that too good to be true? It may sound like a cliché, but joy often starts with you! And there lies my passion:
I inspire and simplify matters to help you rediscover pleasure at work, and joy in what you do. 

Imagine working with someone who gives you certain insights, insights from which you can quickly reap the benefits. Insights that help not only you, but also your team or your organization. You will experience more joy. Others will experience more joy. Your employer will ultimately experience more joy because, over time, results will improve! 

With the facilitation and support that I offer to individuals, (leadership) teams or organizations, I give the insight and inspiration to ’think differently’. And nothing brings me more joy than seeing my insights lead to more joy in others. 

Let’s change the way business is done!

Copyright TMC.


These values are my building blocks when I trigger people to think differently

1) I believe in building trust before achieving results: working with each other instead of competing against each other. 
2) I believe the right mindset is needed before any tool can be of help: having a dialogue with each other instead of having a discussion. 
3) I believe in coaching rather than teaching: informing authentically and for the long term instead of convincing as fast as possible. 
4) I believe in initiative by allowing people to try and learn from their mistakes, not forcing them to just do as told: making change sustainable instead of creating a temporary containment. 
5) I believe in having progression in results rather than hard target hitting: playing the infinite game instead of winning the finite game. 

Now I can hear you thinking: “Why would these beliefs trigger different thinking?” 

For me, this is the more humane approach, and not the purely result-focused approach that I see in so-called traditional organizations. The biggest challenge with the humane approach is time: it is about speeding up by slowing down. 

Accept to first slow down, so you will be able te speed up even more later on!

LEAN thinking

LEAN thinking often not applied correctly

In business language, the humane approach can also be referred to as applying a LEAN mindset. LEAN is a globally known approach and you may even already apply it in your organization. But 75%-90% of the time, it is not applied correctly, and in some cases it even makes things worse. If you think you have tried it and it is not working for you, remember that LEAN is just a name. Ultimately, it is a way of doing, a certain behavior, culture, etc. I use my experience, knowledge and expertise with regards to this way of doing, in the support that I give.

Copyright TMC


Want to know more about me? Go to About Joep.
