The most important
The most common tools/methodes
Finally, we’ll take a closer look at the tools and techniques out there to help you improve. Note: the tools and techniques will only help you if you apply them properly. If the mindset is not good, the tools and techniques will probably not be applied properly. Then you don’t really have much use for the tools and techniques.
You can see a brief look at which tools and techniques are available below.
The 3 main important tools/methodes
The main three tools and techniques which are very important within a humane environment, are Hoshin Planning (or, Hoshin Kanri = HK), Daily Management (or, Daily Performance Management = DPM) & Problem Solving (= PS). Those three need to work together with each other. It’s not that if you do one of them, that your suddenly ‘OK’. You’re doing a part of it, but not completely. See below a visual of how these three components work together with each other.
HK is on one hand filled according to Vision: where do we want to be in years from now? But, it’s also filled, by the performance (DPM) in the operation today, where do we see that we can still improve. And, the DPM is dependent on the direction of the HK. Projects in HK can be seen as PS projects. Besides the fact that HK is connected to DPM & PS, also do realize that DPM & PS are fully connected. As also on tactical or operational level, an organization can do PS projects to optimize the operation (=DPM). When finalizing these kind of PS projects, it should show in the performance of a DPM.
The first step in fixing a problem, is knowing it exists or what the problem is.
Zig Zigler