Nuenen, Noord-Brabant

Daily Performance Management

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Daily Performance Management

Daily Performance Management (DPM)

DPM is 1 of 3 methodologies that is indispensable in a humane (work) environment. When applied correctly, an organization/team/individual knows how a (natural) team is doing at any given moment in terms of performance. Mind you, not to check, but to see if the operation is going in the ‘right direction’. Whether there is progress towards the set goal.
Compare DPM, for example, with a dashboard in your car. Without this dashboard you cannot optimally control the vehicle, and you will run into all kinds of issues (particularly in the long run). It works the same way with business. If you do not continuously have the correct insight into your (key) processes, you will eventually run into all kinds of issues. And, before you know it, you are (continuously) putting out fires…
DPM has a very fixed structure, which is also one of DPM’s strengths. What you will often see within organizations is that particular attention is paid to performance. But, what is often ‘forgotten’, or ‘no time’ for (read: ‘isn’t important after all’), is attention for people. DPM therefore always pays attention to people first. Once people and performance have been dealt with, there must still be attention for improvement, or problem solving.
DPM therefore always consists of the 3Ps, in the following order: People, Performance & Problem Solving (also known as CI = Continuous Improvement). Without People you can’t have Performance, and without Performance you won’t (yet) have to think about Problem Solving. It is therefore crucial to pay attention to people first.

Example of a DPM setup
DPM is always done with the complete team