The basics, common sense
The basics & Common sense
It may sound silly, but it is certainly not intended as such: Ultimately, change in the end, is nothing more or less than using Common Sense, being humane, be human.. But it is my humble opinion that that (aka ‘empathy’) is exactly what we have lost in today’s society, and it’s not helping changes to succeed.
Nowadays we are so focused on just the result (the what from the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek) that we lose sight of the basics. And with this, I actually mean trust at first. It no longer matters how someone feels. It is only important that there are results, often under the guise of ‘no matter what!’. The humanity of it all, is gone. This causes (very) low levels of confidence in a team or organization, with lesser results as a result. And the worst part is, we don’t realize that, you’re probably not aware of it, and it has an exponential effect. And to my feeling, it’s only getting worse…
A team is not a team when it works together. A team is a team when it trusts each other.
Simon Sinek
There are 2 models that, in my opinion, demonstrate that trust in an organization is essential to ultimately achieve change, and with that (better) results. See the models below.
Patrick Lencioni’s Five Team Dysfunctions
If you want to know (much) more about the ‘Five Dysfunctions of a Team’, then for sure watch the below video (approx. ~35m.). It will explain in easy language how the model works.
The Pyramid of Maslov (Hierarchy of Needs)